FAIRY DUSTER - Calliandra californica (Feuilleea c., Anneslia c.): Bastard
Mesquite, Cabello de 聲gel, False Mesquite, Huajillo, Tabardillo, Zapotillo. The roots are used to make a red dye
for leather. Some of these are good browse plants. They are legumes.
C. alternans, exotic. This plant is good for tetter.
C. anomala: Cabellos de Angel, Pambotano, Tlacoxiloxochitl. The plant is very good for treating malaria; use
the root decoction.
C. eriophylla (A. e., C. chamaedrys, conferta, Feuilleea texana, e.): Cabelleto de
聲gel, Cabeza 聲gel, Charresquillo, False Mesquite, False Mesquite Calliandra, Huajillo, Mesquitilla. Seri: Haxz
izti "dog, its hipbone". Warihio: Taa Seyweylala. In order to get the seeds, you must either take them early or
put a bag or envelope over the pods to collect them when they fall. These are browse plants.
C. grandiflora: Cabellitos de Una Vara, Cabellos de 聲gel, Hierba del 聲gel, Pambotano, Tepachera,
Tepexilox鏂hitl, Texox鏂hitl, Timbrillo, Tlacoxilox鏂hitl, Tlamacazcatzotl, Tzonx鏂hitl, Xilox鏂hitl. Exotic. Has
pharmacological properties. Use the buds and roots. The active principle is a yellowish glucoside, soluble in
water, particularly hot water, a little soluble in absolute alcohol and ether; it contains also two tannins,
essential oil, fat, resin, glucose, starch and mineral salts. The root bark is astringent; the peeled root is
principally emetic and purgative. It is not antipaludian (does not prevent malaria). Take up to 30 grams a day, in
decoction or fluid extract.
C. sp.: Ambilazo. Exotic. This is a Madagascar species. The leaf stems are used for syphilis.